
    Cards (21)

    • Flooding
      A treatment of phobias based on similar principles as 5D, viewing phobias as being learnt through association and therefore can also be unlearnt
    • Flooding
      • Works on the principle of reciprocal inhibition - we cannot feel two opposing emotions at the same time (i.e. anxiety and fear)
      • Aims to replace feelings of fear with feelings of relaxation
    • How flooding works
      1. Individual is exposed to the feared stimuli in one long session and has to remain in its presence until the anxiety response subsides
      2. Session continues until the patient is fully relaxed
    • Example of flooding
      • A person afraid of clowns is placed in a room full of clowns, and encouraged to use relaxation techniques until their anxiety disappears
    • Before flooding
      Phobic stimulus (CS) leads to fear (CR) due to being paired with an unpleasant experience (UCS)
    • During flooding
      Relaxation (UCR) is experienced instead of fear (CR) when exposed to the phobic stimulus (CS)
    • After flooding
      Phobic stimulus (CS) now leads to relaxation (CR) instead of fear
    • It is not possible to experience opposite responses (fear and relaxation) at the same time
    • Through therapy, relaxation becomes the dominant response
    • Evaluation of flooding

      • Strengths: Wide applicability, can be as effective as virtual reality exposure
      • Limitations: Not suitable for social phobias, may lead to symptom substitution, less effective than systematic desensitisation
    • Research evidence shows systematic desensitisation may be more effective than flooding for treating phobias
    • Appropriateness
      Whether a treatment is suitable or fitting for a particular situation
    • Flooding is cost effective

      It is a relatively quick treatment, may involve only one 2-3 hour session
    • Flooding is cost effective for the NHS
      It can save money on therapists and lead to shorter waiting lists
    • Flooding
      • High dropout rate
      • Exposes patient to most feared situation straight away, can be very distressing
    • High dropout rate of flooding
      Patients withdraw before reaching point where relaxation becomes dominant and fear subsides
    • High dropout rate of flooding
      Causes undue stress to patient, they are not cured of phobia, therapist time is wasted
    • Flooding ignores evolution
      May not be as effective for phobias with underlying evolutionary survival component
    • Flooding is not ethical
      Exposes individual to most feared situation straight away, likely to cause panic attack
    • Flooding is not a long-term solution
      Patient only learns not to feel panic in presence of specific stimuli, not taught long-term coping skills
    • CBT may be more suitable than flooding
      It teaches patients skills they can apply after therapy has finished
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