The therapist works with the patient to help them identify irrational thinking and maladaptive thoughts. The client is encouraged to record their automatic negative thoughts and evidence of behaviour/incidents. They are then asked to compare the evidence with the thoughts to see whether their thoughts are a rational response.
Part of the therapy aims to alter dysfunctional behaviours that are contributing to or maintaining the depression. This is done by encouraging patients to identify activities they used to enjoy and to work to overcome cognitive obstacles in carrying them out. They are also asked to record their participation and their mood afterwards. These behaviours should increase mood and help to change negative thinking.
Homework is also given to allow the client to try out new ways of thinking. In severe depression the person may find it difficult to do anything at all. CBT would encourage them to set a list of small goals to be achieved. These could be as trivial as actually getting out of bed and making a cup of tea. These small achievements should help the depressed person develop a sense of personal effectiveness. As CBT continues, the individual will engage in progressively more rewarding activities.
Research evidence shows CBT is as effective as antidepressants, but with the added benefit of reducing suicideattempts more than drugs
CBT aims to tackle more than just the symptoms of depression, it also aims to promote resilience and improve social functioning, so it is more likely to improve a patient's quality of life beyond just treating the symptoms
March et al. (2007) found 81% of adolescents who received CBT to treat depression demonstrated improvements in mood after 36 weeks, the same percentage as using antidepressants
TADS Team (2007) found antidepressants and CBT had equal success rates in treating depression after 36 weeks, but suicidal events were more common in patients receiving antidepressants (14.7%) than combination therapy (8.4%) or CBT (6.3%)