Plasmawithout the plasmaproteins. It is forcedthroughcapillarywalls and bathescells
How is tissue fluid formed?
Arterial end of capillary: lowsolutepotential due to plasmaproteinspullswater back into capillary by osmosis.Hydrostaticpressure is greater than osmoticpressure, so water and solutes are forcedout of the capillary.
Venous end of capillary: hydrostaticpressure is lower because its volume has been released by fluidloss.Osmoticpressure is greater (because of a morenegativewaterpotential due to more plasmaproteins). Waterpassesback into capillary by osmosis.
What is lymph?
Fluidabsorbed from betweencells into lymph capillaries, rather than back into capillaries
Where does the lymph come from?
This is 10% of tissuefluid that does notpassback into capillaries. It drains into the lymphcapillaries of the lymphaticsystem