OCD treatment (biological)

    Cards (10)

    • Biological approach to treating OCD
      Drug therapy
    • Biological approach to OCD
      • Views biological factors as leading to OCD
      • Targets biological factors to treat OCD
    • Low level of serotonin
      Linked with OCD
    • How medication treats OCD
      1. Increases serotonin
      2. Causes OCD to function at more normal levels (the worry circuit)
    • SSRIs
      • Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
      • Anti-depressants originally designed to treat depression
      • Also found effective at treating OCD
    • How SSRIs work
      • Block absorption of serotonin
      • Increase levels of serotonin in the synapse
      • Can take 3-4 months to reduce symptoms as neurotransmitter levels rise gradually
    • SNRIs
      • Serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors
      • Work on two neurotransmitters: serotonin and norepinephrine (noradrenaline)
      • Used for patients who do not respond to SSRIs
      • Increase amount of serotonin and noradrenaline in the synapse by slowing the rate the brain breaks them down
    • Biological therapies
      Drug therapy
    • Biological approach to treating OCD
      • Involves drug therapy
      • Drugs usually work by increasing levels of serotonin in the brain using selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
      • SSRIs prevent the reuptake of serotonin in the synaptic cleft
    • OCD affects lots of people in the UK. If sufferers can have the most appropriate treatment, they can maintain better quality of life and remain effective members of society
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