Reconciliation and Persecution

Cards (12)

  • Persecution
    • Facing hostility and ill-treatment; some Christians face punishment and death for practising their faith
  • Reconciliation
    • Making up and rebuilding relationships between two groups after a disagreement
  • An example of reconciliation is when Desmond Tutu (Archbishop in South Africa) was named head of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 1995 which aimed to investigate allegations of human right abuses and reconcile differences during the apartheid era.
  • How Christians respond to persecution
    • Pray for the persecuted
    • Helping the persecuted
    • Donating to charity
    • Educating others
    • Raising awareness
    • Campaigning and Protesting
    • Putting pressure on the Government and authorities to help
  • "Clothe yourselves with compassion"
  • "Blessed are the peacemakers"
  • "God reconciled himself to us through Christ"
  • "Love another. As I have loved you, so you must another"
  • "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you"
  • "Forgive not seven but seventy seven times"
  • Barnabus Aid works to help Christians around the world who are suffering from persecution because of their faith
  • Quakers are pacifists so they make large efforts to reconcile by:
    • Educating in schools
    • Raising awareness
    • Working in war-torn areas
    • Facilitating reconciliation meetings