Cards (13)

  • How many Jews and other ‘undesirables’ were murdered during the Holocaust? 
    About 6 million Jews and about 5 million others.  
  • Where and when was the Final Solution agreed upon? 
    At the Wannsee Conference on 20th January 1942.  
  • Who chaired the meeting at Wannsee? 
    Reinhard Heydrich - second in command of the SS.  
  • Which was given a higher focus when the war turned against Germany: the killing of the Jews or military needs? 
    The killing of the Jews.  
  • Which event caused Goebbels to give his ‘total war’ speech?  
    The German defeat at Stalingrad in February 1943.  
  • After Stalingrad, which other 2 events caused the Jews to be targeted more so?  
    The heightened Allied bombing campaign in 1943. 
    The D-Day landings in 1944.  
  • At what late point did the Nazis start trying to conceal what they had been doing to the Jews? 
    November 1944 (e.g. the crematorium at Auschwitz was blown up).  
  • What is the difference between a concentration camp and a death camp? 
    Not all concentration camps became places of extermination. But a death camp’s purpose was to kill the inmates.  
  • Which gas was settled upon as the favoured method of gassing inmates? 
    Zyklon B - a rat poison.  
  • What other Death Camps existed other than Aushwitz
  • Which Jewish brothers fought from within Polish forestland and saved 1200 Jews from the Nazis?  
    The Bielski brothers.  
  • Which Jewish uprising lasted from Jan 1943 to May 1943? 
    The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - the Germans required massive military firepower to crush this uprising.  
  • How many people died on the death marches as the Nazis began to move the camp inmates westward in 1944?  
    Between 250,000 and 400,000.