ABC model

    Cards (14)

    • Ellis's ABC model
      A - Activating event
      B - Beliefs
      C - Consequences
    • Ellis's beliefs about depression
      • Those who are suffering from depression mistakenly blame external events for their unhappiness
      The way in which they interpret these events is what leads to depressive thoughts and emotions
      Irrational thinking prevents us from being happy
    • ABC model
      Activating event
      Beliefs (rational or irrational)
      Consequences (healthy or unhealthy emotions)
    • Activating event
      • Achieving a low grade on a test
    • Rational belief
      • I did not prepare very well for the test
    • Irrational belief
      • I am a failure, I am no good at learning
    • Consequences
      Emotional response to the belief. A rational belief leads to healthy emotions, an irrational belief can lead to unhealthy emotions like depression.
    • Mustabatory thinking
      The source of irrational thinking, thinking that certain ideas or assumptions MUST be true in order for an individual to be happy
    • Three most important irrational beliefs identified by Ellis
      • I MUST be approved of or accepted by people I find important
      I MUST do well or very well, or I am worthless
      The world MUST give me happiness, or I will die
    • Someone with these irrational beliefs is probably going to feel worthless and respond irrationally in relation to activating events, which can lead to depression
    • The cognitive approach to explaining depression is evaluated, with strengths and weaknesses discussed
    • The Cognitive Approach to Depression
    • CBT Tries to Change Faulty Cognitions
      1. Identify the patient's faulty cognitions
      2. Help the client see those cognitions are not accurate
      3. Set goals to think in more positive/adaptive ways
      4. Focus on things the client has succeeded at
      5. Keep a diary to record thought patterns, feelings, and actions
    • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

      • Aims to identify and change the patient's faulty cognitions
      • Patients learn how to notice negative thoughts and challenge them
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