A process to identifyanddetermineindetailtheparticularjobduties and requirements and the relative importance of these duties for a given job
Job analysis is a process where judgements are made about the data collected on a job
Job Analysis
The analysisisconductedontheJob, nottheperson
Determining Training Needs
1. Identify or develop: Training content
2. Assessmenttesttomeasureeffectivenessof training
3. Equipmenttobeusedindeliveringthetraining
4. Methodsoftraining
1. Identify or determine: Skill levels
2. Compensablejob factors
3. Work environment
4. Responsibilities
5. Requiredlevelofeducation
Selection Procedures
1. Identify or develop: Jobduties that should be includedinadvertisementofvacantpositions
2. Appropriatesalary levelfortheposition
3. Minimum requirements for screening applicants
4. Interview questions
5. Selectiontests/instruments
6. Applicantappraisal/evaluationforms
7. Orientation materialsforapplicants/newhires
Performance Review
1. Identify or develop: Goalsandobjectives
2. Performance standards
3. Evaluation criteria
4. Lengthofprobationaryperiods
5. Dutiestobeevaluated
Most Common Methods of Job Analysis
Observation Method
Interview Method
Questionnaire Method
Several other specialized methods
Task inventory
Job element method
Competency profiling
Technical conference
Threshold traits analysis system
Task inventory
A job analysis approach where hiringmanagers or human resource managers createaninitialitemizedlistofallofthetasks, or specific activities, that make up the performance of a specific job at a particular organization
Job element method
Focuses on the human attributesnecessaryforsuperiorperformanceonthejob. It is used to match what applicants can do against what the work calls for
Competency Profiling
A method utilized to identifythespecificknowledge, skills, abilities and other qualities (KSAOs) that are needed to complete and achieve particular tasks and activities
Technical Conference
Directdatafromyearsofexperience, and in most cases gives deep insight. The data that is collected is comprehensive and covers all the possible aspects
Threshold traits analysis system
A technique of locatingandnamingthetraits needed for acceptable performance within a chosen position
Threshold Trait Analysis
A method available onlybyhiringaparticularconsultingfirm. The 33 items cover five trait categories: physical, mental, learned, motivational, and social. Its main uses are in the development of an employee selection system or a career plan
The capabilitytoapplyasetofrelatedknowledge, skillsandabilitiestosuccessfullyperformfunctions or tasks in a defined work setting
Competency Model
A framework for definingtheskillandknowledge requirements of a job. It is a collectionofcompetenciesandjointlydefinesuccessfuljobperformance
Benefits of Using Competency Model For the Company
Reinforce corporate strategy, culture and vision
Establish expectations for performance excellence, resulting in a systematic approach to professional development, improved job satisfaction, and better employee retention
Increase the effectiveness of training and professional development programs by linking them to the success criteria
Provide a common framework and language for discussing how to implement and communicate key strategies
Provide a common understanding of the scope and requirements of a specific role
Provide common, organization-wide standards for career levels that enable employees to move across business boundaries
Benefits of Using Competency Model For Managers
Identify performance criteria to improve the accuracy and ease of the hiring and selection process
Provide more objective performance standards
Clarify standards of excellence for easier communication of performance expectations to direct reports
Provide a clear foundation for dialogue to occur between the manager and employee about performance, development, and career-related issues
Benefits of Using Competency Model For Employees
Identify the success criteria required to be successful in their role
Support a more specific and objective assessment of their strengths and specify targeted areas for professional development
Provide development tools and methods for enhancing their skills
Provide the basis for a more objective dialogue with their manager or team about performance, development, and career related issues
Situations where Companies use competency modeling
Closing the gap between current and desired/future performance
Upgrading any HR element or process (selection, development, performance management, career mapping, talent planning)
Identifying the competencies associated with success on the job
Defining the performance requirements of newly developed positions