Neurological disease of mammals that is almost invariablyfatalonceclinicalsignsdevelop
Rabies transmission
Readily transmitted between mammals, whether same or different species, usually spreadinsaliva when infected animal bites another
Rabies virus dissemination
Enters eclipsephase after infection, replicates in non-nervoustissue like muscle, does not stimulate immune response but susceptible to neutralization if antibodies present
Rabies incubation period
Varies with amountofvirus,virusstrain,siteofinoculation, hostimmunity,natureofwound;10days to 6months, most cases 2 weeks to 3 months
No characteristic gross lesions, stomach may contain abnormalobjects, histological signs of polioencephalo-myelitis and craniospinal ganglionitis, Negribodies may be seen