Now English 24 - 2

Cards (129)

  • Territory

    A region that is controlled by another country although officially a dependent territory
  • Threshold

    The point of entering or beginning
  • Withstand

    To stand up against
  • Longevity

    A long duration of individual life
  • Paradigm shift

    A fundamental change in approach
  • Distinction

    A contrast between similar things
  • Eccentric

    Grossly unconventional or unusual
  • Elimination

    The process of getting rid of something
  • Adjacent

    Not so distant
  • Adolescent

    A young person who is developing into an adult
  • Adverse

    Having a harmful effect
  • Allowance

    Money that you are given regularly
  • Ambiguity

    A statement that is unclear
  • Analogy

    A comparison between similar things
  • Anchor

    Something that gives support
  • Anonymous

    Not named or identified
  • Applause

    Approval publicly expressed
  • Arbitrary

    Based on random choice
  • Arouse

    Provoke a strong emotion
  • Assemble

    Come together in a single place
  • Assurance

    Being certain in the mind
  • Attribute

    A word describing equality
  • Avenue

    A way of access
  • Backing

    Supporting for something
  • Bandwagon

    An activity that has become popular
  • Breed

    To produce Offspring by hatching or gestation
  • Bureaucracy

    A system for managing a country
  • Casualty

    A person who is killed or injured in an accident
  • Frail

    Physically weak and not very healthy looking
  • Catastrophe

    A bad situation
  • Charisma

    A special charm or appeal
  • Chronic

    Occurring again and again for a long time
  • Cliche

    Highly used expressions
  • Coherence

    A clear relationship between parts
  • Coincide

    To happen at the same time
  • Collapse

    A southern fall
  • Come back

    A return to a former position
  • Commemorate

    To serve as a memorial of
  • Commence

    To make a beginning
  • Compensate

    Support for a loss