
Cards (18)

  • Zoning
    Laws, regulations that define how property in specific geographic regions may be used
  • Zoning categories used by local governments
    • Residential
    • Commercial
    • Industrial
  • Residential
    Where people live
  • Commercial
    Where people and businesses sell goods and services
  • Industrial
    Where businesses make things
  • Zoning ordinances
    A tool of urban planning, a process of promoting growth and controlling change in land use
  • Zoning laws can result in very clear land-use segregation
  • Not all cities have zoning ordinances, and most include undeveloped areas yet to be zoned
  • Residential zones
    Areas of a city devoted to where people live rather than to commercial or industrial functions
  • Residential zones
    • Ordinances set limits on the density and size of houses within specific zones
    • Some contain only large homes and lots
    • Some contain small homes and lots
    • Some contain apartment buildings
  • Zoning
    • Can create various types of neighborhoods that appeal to people with various housing needs and lifestyles
    • Can be used to prevent socioeconomic diversity or ethnic diversity in a neighborhood
  • Inner city
    Residential areas surrounding the CBD in North America
  • Inner city residential zone
    • Apartment buildings and townhomes dominate
    • Has the highest population density of the zones
  • Moving farther from the inner city
    Population and housing-unit density declines, and types of housing change
  • Residential density gradient
    The variation in population and housing-unit density as one moves farther from the inner city
  • invasion and succession - the process by which one social or ethnic group gradually replaces another through filtering
  • urban infill - the process of increasing the residential density of an area by replacing open space and vacant housing with residences
  • in recent decade, there has been an increase in the number and size of businesses in suburbs:
    strip malls and shopping malls have become common.
    big-box retail stores have been successful.
    • offices and business services have moved to the suburbs.
    all of these changes are part of the Suburbanization of Business, the movement of commerce out of cities to suburbs where rents are cheaper and commutes for employees are shorter. as a result, many cities have faced declines in job opportunities, consumer choices, and services.