
Cards (105)

  • Talkies
    Movies used to be silent until 1927
  • sport
    Radio brought sport a mass audience
    60mil listened to Jack Dempsey & Gene Tunney box 1927
    Babe ruth earned 80k (7mil today)
  • The hays code
    Self-imposed rules for Hollywood media content instituted in 1930 with the goal of creating "wholesome entertainment"
    Limited kiss scene times etc
  • star system
    an operation designed to find and cultivate actors under long-term contracts, with the intention of developing those actors into famous "stars" who would enhance the profitability of the studio's films
  • Output of American industries
    Doubled in 20s
  • What caused the boom?
    Ww1 caused a rise in demand internationally for American goods
    Mass production & assembly line
    Advertising, chain stores, mail-ordering services
    Policies of American presidents were pro business - restrictions & regulations were removed and taxes were lowered
    Credit kept up demand
    New tech
  • Laissez-faire economics
    Theory that opposes governmental interference in economic affairs beyond what is necessary to protect life and property.
  • Rugged Individualism
    Herbert Hoover's belief that people must be self-reliant and not depend upon the federal government for assistance.
  • When was Hoover president?
  • New Immigrants
    immigrants who had come to the US after the 1880s from southern and eastern europe
  • Early Immigration
    - 1820 Mostly Protestants
    - 1840 Roman Catholic Irish
    - WASPs
  • Open Door Policy
    America wanted a steady flow of immigrants as the economy expanded rapidly after the end of the civil war in 1865
  • Immigrants 1891-1924
    12 million
  • 1917 Immigration Law
    -Immigrants over 16 must pass a literacy test in their own language
  • 1921 Immigration Quota Act
    Law that ended unlimited population to the United States. Set quotas for countries based on 1910 census (3%)
  • 1924 Immigration Act
    Whitaker reduced to 2% and banned Asians
  • 1929 Immigration Act
    Restricted to 150,000 a year.
  • KKK
    Stands for Ku Klux Klan and started right after the Civil War in 1866. They masked themselves and burned black churches, schools, and terrorized black people. They are anti-black and anti-Semitic
    Intimidated opponents with violence - lynching & beating up
  • Why did people join the kkk
    Influence by media - The Birth Of A Nation
    Influential people were members
    Claimed to be against crime

    1920 - 100k, 1925 - 5mil
  • Sacco and Vanzetti Case
    Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were Italian immigrants charged with murdering a guard and robbing a shoe factory in Braintree; Mass. The trial lasted from 1920-1927. Convicted on circumstantial evidence; many believed they had been framed for the crime because of their anarchist and pro-union activities.
  • Red Scare (1919-1920)

    Fear among many Americans after World War I of Communists in particular and noncitizens in general, a reaction to the Russian Revolution, mail bombs, strikes, and riots.
  • Volstead Act (18th Amendment)

    Prohibition - jan 1920
  • Antisaloon League
    In 1893, this organization became a powerful political force and by 1916 had persuaded twenty one states to close down all saloons and bars.
  • Al Capone the celebrity criminal
    Interviewed by journalists
    Body guards and a flashy car
    Made 2 mil a week, showed off his wealth
    Employed 700 men
  • Bars
    1919 - 15k
    1930 - 32k, over double
  • Prohibition
    Ignored and irregularly enforced
    1500 prohibition officers - not nearly enough
    Mafia - unregulated alcohol was untaxed and required organised crime networks
    US give lost 11bil in tax revenue
  • When was Roosevelt president?
  • dividend
    Money paid by a company to a person who owns stock in that company.
  • buying on margin
    paying a small percentage of a stock's price as a down payment and borrowing the rest
  • speculation
    Gambling on the stock market with borrowed money
  • Wall Street Crash
    October 1929 crash of the American stock market that marked the beginning of the Great Depression.
  • Effects the depression had on unemployment 1928-33

    Industrial & farm production fell by 40%
    Avg wages fell by 60%
    14mil unemployed 1933
  • Hoovervilles
    a shantytown built by unemployed and destitute people during the Depression of the early 1930s.
    Showed they blamed hoover for their financial distress
  • Impact of Depression on farmers
    Had equipment loaned from banks and demanding money back
    - less money led to people who couldn't afford mortgages/debts, they lost farms and sacked their workers and in 1932, 1 in 20 farmers have been evicted
    100s of landowners moved away
    Headed towards farming states of California and Oregon, hoping to work on the fruit farms
    Total income reduced to 5mil
  • Impact of depression on businesses
    100k went bankrupt
    International trade 10bil-3bil
  • Breadlines and Soup Kitchens
    Places where people waited in line for free or low priced food during the Great Depression.
  • Dust Bowl, 1935
    a period of severe dust storms that greatly damaged the ecology and agriculture of the US prairies during the 1930s; severe drought and a failure to apply dryland farming methods to prevent wind erosion caused the phenomenon.
  • Voluntarism
    Hoover believed that individuals should help each other not rely on the gov't. There was alot of voluntarism but it wasn't enough to overcome the economic Depression
  • Balancing the budget
    Ensuring government spent no more than it earned in taxes
  • Hoovers actions 1930-32
    Raised tariffs, interest rates, and taxes, all lf which made depression worse