Anatomy and patho

Cards (15)

  • Quadrants
    • RUQ: liver, gallbladder
    • LUQ: stomach, pancreas, spleen
    • lower quadrants: intestines
  • Ingestion and propulsion of food involves the mouth, pharynx and esophagus
  • Appetite is controlled by hypothalamus through:
    • hypo/hyperglycemia
    • empty or full stomach
    • decrease/increase of body tempreature
    • brain input = hormones, sight, smell taste
  • Digestion: physical and chemical breakdown of food into absorbable substances through movement and enzymes secretion
  • Absorption: transfer of the end product of digestion across the intestinal wall and into the circulation
  • Mouth function:
    • mechanical process of mastication
    • chemical process of saliva
  • Stomach function:
    • reservoir
    • gastric secretions
    • formation of chyme
  • Small intestine function:
    • digestion: secretion of enzymes
    • absorption: occurs through the vili
  • Elimination occurs in the large intestines
  • Large intestine function
    • absorption of water and electrolytes
    • peristalsis and formation of feces
    • reservoir of fecal mass until defecation
    • secretion of mucus/lubricate and protect mucosa
    • microorganisms
  • Liver function
    • metabolic function
    • bile production, storage and excretion
    • removal of bacteria and toxins + breakdown of WBC, RBC and Hb
  • Biliary tract function
    • gallbladder and duct system
    • main storage of bile until release in duodenum
  • Pancreas
    • exocrine function contributes to digestion
    • endocrine function: insulin and other hormones
  • Hydrochloric acid maintains the stomach pH of 1-4. It is secreted by the parietal cells when stimulated by food, caffeine, chocolate and alcohol.
  • Hyperproduction of HCL is possible with large fatty meals, excessive amounts of alcohol or emotional stress