
Cards (30)

  • Methods of Promotion
    • Advertising
    • Internet
    • Sponsorship
    • Direct mail
    • Personal selling
    • Sales promotion
  • Advertising
    A paid promotion that uses various media sites that promotes a product or service
  • Internet
    Promoting a product or service via the internet
  • Sponsorship
    Promoting a product or service via another person or website
  • Direct mail
    A promotion strategy of sending mail
  • Personal selling
    A promoting strategy that involves face to face interaction
  • Sales promotion
    Incentives used to encourage short term increases in sales
  • Factors to consider when choosing a promotion method
    1. How much money do you have? (marketing budget)
    2. Who are your customers? (mass/niche or local/international market)
    3. What do you want to achieve? (marketing objectives)
  • Direct distribution

    The fastest channel of distribution
  • Direct distribution

    The channel that will give you the best customer service
  • Selling through retailers

    The channel that allows you to make the most money
  • Demand
    The quantity of goods and services consumers are willing to buy
  • Price elasticity of demand
    Measures how much demand for a product changes if there is a change in price
  • Price inelasticity of demand
    The change in demand is less than the change in price (percentage)
  • Price elastic demand
    The change in demand is greater than the change in price (percentage)
  • Product Life Cycle
    Shows the stages that products go through the development to withdrawal from the market
  • Primary Research Methods
    • Internet
    • Government publications
    • Newspapers and magazines
    • Internal business records
    • Local library
    • Market research agencies
  • Secondary Research Methods
    • Focus groups
    • Observations
    • Test market
    • Consumer surveys
  • Market Orientated
    Customer focused, More responsive to changes in the market, Reliant on market research, Often in competitive markets
  • Product Orientated

    Little competition, Usually tech industries
  • Niche Marketing
    Targets a specific and well defined market segment
  • Segmented Marketing
    Targets several groups each with their own marketing mix
  • Mass marketing
    Targets a large number of different market segments in order to maximise sales
  • Geographic Segmentation
    • Different regions in the same country
    • Different regions of the world
    • Different countries in the world
  • Demographic Segmentation
    • Age
    • Family size
    • Ethnic background
    • Social class
    • Income
    • Gender
  • The price of a competitor's product goes up
    The demand for your product goes up as it is cheaper
  • The price of your product goes up
    The competitors' demand will go up
  • Income levels in the economy decrease
    Lower demand because they have less money
  • You spend more money on advertising
    The demand for your product should increase
  • Birth rates in the economy decrease
    Less people so lower demand