Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is defined as a significant symptomatic condition presume to be secondary to reflux of gastric content into the lower esophagus
incompetent lower esophageal sphincter
decrease esophageal clearance
decrease gastric emptying
hiatal hernia
Acidic secretion regurgitated in the lower esophagus results in irritation and inflammation
Clinical manifestations
pyrosis (heartburn)
globus or choking sensation
early satiety
bloating after a meal
nausea and vomiting
dysphagia or odynophagya (painful swallowing)
coughing, sore throat, horseness
esophageal stricture
Barrett’s esophagus (precancerous lesion)
esophageal cancer
resp conditions
dental erosion
GERD is often diagnosed on the basis of symptoms or past medical history. Other diagnostic studies are barium swallow, gastroscopy and biopsy
Lifestyle modifications
elevate head of bed, especially after meals
stop smoking
weight loss
Nutrition therapy
avoid fatty food, chocolate, peppermint, alcohol, milk products and late night snacks
encourage small frequent meals and taking fluids between meals instead of during
avoid intake of acid pH beverages (orange juice, tomato based products)