Hiatal hernia

Cards (7)

  • Hiatal hernia: herniation of a portion of the stomach into esophagus through an opening in th diaphragm
  • Cause is unknown but contributing factors are:
    • weakening of muscle in diaphragm around esophagogastric opening
    • increased abdominal pressure (eg: obesity)
    • age
    • poor nutrition
  • Clinical manifestations are similar to GERD, gallbldder disease, peptic ulcer disease and angina
  • Most common symptoms are heartburn, especially after meals or in a supine position and dysphagia
  • Complications:
    • GERD
    • hemorrhage from erosion
    • stenosis
    • ulceration of herniated portion
    • strangulation of hernia
    • regurgitation with aspiration
  • Diagnostic studies
    • barium swallow: reveal protrusion of gastric mucosa through the esophageal hiatus
    • gastroscopy: visualization of lower esophagus and inflammation extent
  • Management
    • conservative therapy: lifestyle modification, meds, weight loss
    • surgical therapy: anchoring lower esophageal sphincter by wrapping a portion of stomach around it to anchor it in place