The way that the conversation of men and women are not right and wrong, they are just different
Goals of Genderlect
Mutual respect and understanding
Contrast feminism
Identify differences
Socially transmitted behaviors, arts, languages or others, learnt and shared in particular social group, handed down from one generation to another
Cultural differences can cause behavior and personality problems in normal communicating environment
Cultural norms exist in the workplace due to the variety of people working together
Gender-fair language
Language that articulates consciousness and reflects culture, affects socialization
Gender-based discrimination (GBD)
Distinction, exclusion or restriction based on sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation that prevents equal exercise of human rights and fundamental freedoms
Elements of GBD
Action: distinguishes, excludes or restricts a person
Basis: sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation
Purpose or effect: prevents equal exercise of human rights and fundamental freedoms
Sexism in language
Use of language that devalues members of a sex or gender, and thus fosters gender inequality
Kinds of sexist language
Language which excludes members of one sex or gender or renders them invisible
Language that trivializes women, diminishes their stature
Language that disparages and marginalizes women
Language that fosters unequal gender relations
Gender polarization of meanings in the use of adjectives
Lexical gap - absence or lack of words referring to women's experiences
Hidden assumptions
Gender roles are not inborn, they are learned through the process of socialization
Social institutions that contribute to gender socialization
Mass media
Peer group
The state
Process of exchanging ideas and information through words or actions
Verbal communication
Related to words
Non-verbal communication
Related to actions and gestures
Socially constructed definition of women and men
John Gray
Author of the famous book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" which sold over 15 million copies worldwide
Rationality: All humans are emotional
Women tend to cry when flooded with emotion, while men tend to become angry and violent
Biologically, men are physically stronger
Women's brain
White brain - more networking between processing centers
Men's brain
Gray brain - more information processing centers
Female communication style
Complex, literate, socio-intellectual, aesthetic value, detailed, more questions, facilitate conversation