Cards (19)

  • government in the edo
    japan had a feudal system centred around the shogun. very stable and the japanese had no rights
  • government in the meji
    feudalism dissapeared and all japamese were to be loyal to the emperor. japan wasnt ready for a democratic government so they used a centralized government. in 1889 a constitution was passed that allowed some rights and so people could vote through the Lower House
  • taxes in the edo
    daimyo paid texes for the shogun.based on crop production and the koku was equal to 175l of rice. the taxes were paid with porducts, not currency
  • taxes in the meji
    collected by the central government. they were basd on 3% of the land, paid individually with money
  • military in the edo
    the shogun had the largest army. overtime the daimyo armies shrunk. their was no use for large armies and the were too expensive
  • millitary in the meji
    the edict for conscription 1873, made millitary service compulsory. a german model was used to organize the army and a british model was used for the navy and got conscription form france
  • education in the edo
    there were no government run schools. hanko schools were for the sons of the samuri class, the terakoya schools gave education for the sons of the commoners, though many kids wernt educated. these schools were run by a single perosn or a couple that taught only basic education
  • educaton in the meji
    a ministry of education was created and three levels of school were established. primary, middle and university. primary school was compulsory for boys and girls
  • class system in the edo
    the feudal system dictated strict class structure and social roles
  • class system in the meji
    the feudal system was abolished and the class heichriarchy was dismantled and individuals were to take advantage of social mobility
  • iwakura mission
    japanese scholars went to europe and us to gain knowledge
  • mottos and slogans
    eastern morality and western technology, be a sucsess, for the sake of the country
  • fukuzawa yukichi
    educator and business entrepreneur. He was a member of the iwakura mission and became a strong advocate for american-style democracy.
  • matsukata masayoshi
    became minister of finance in 1881, introduced higher taxes, inflation and capitolism but in the end japans national income doubled
  • what replaced domains?
    prefectures and districsts
  • what did the meji period keep

    most tratitional cultures
  • what did the constitution do
    put the power back into emperor meji
  • oligarchy: a small group of people having control of a country or organization
  • decenteralized government - more people in charge localy