To survive in a particular environment, appropriate nutrients must be available. Many nutrients are energy sources; organisms will obtain energy from these chemicals by breaking chemical bonds.
There are certain microbial stages (e.g., bacterial endospores, protozoan cysts), however, that can survive the complete dryingprocess (desiccation). The organisms contained within the spores and cysts are in a dormant or resting state; if they are placed in a moist, nutrient-richenvironment, they will grow and reproduce normally.
Most microorganisms prefer a neutral or slightly alkaline growth medium (pH 7.0–7.4). Acidophilic microbes (acidophiles), such as those that can live in the human stomach and in pickledfoods, prefer a pH of 2 to 5. Alkaliphiles prefer an alkaline environment (pH >8.5).
Most bacteria are not affected by minor changes. Others, known as piezophiles, thrive deep in the ocean and in oil wells, where the atmospheric pressure is very high.
In microbiology research laboratories, scientists must culture microbes so that they can learn more about them, harvest antibiotics and other microbial products, test new antimicrobial agents, and produce vaccines.
Microbes must also be cultured in genetic engineering laboratories and in the laboratories of certain food and beverage companies, as well as other industries.
The earliest successful attempts to culture microorganisms in a laboratory setting were made by Ferdinand Cohn (1872), Joseph Schroeter (1875), and Oscar Brefeld (1875).
Robert Koch described his culture techniques in 1881. Initially, Koch used slices of boiled potatoes on which to culture bacteria, but he later developed both liquid and solid forms of artificial media.
Gelatin was initially used as a solidifying agent in Koch's culture media, but in 1882, Fanny Hesse, the wife of Dr. Walther Hesse— one of Koch's assistants—suggested the use of agar.
Another of Koch's assistants, Richard Julius Petri, invented glass Petri dishes in 1887 for use as containers for solid culture media and bacterial cultures.
The Petri dishes in use today are virtually unchanged from the original design, except that most of today's laboratories use plastic, presterilized, disposable Petri dishes.
As a result of their ability to obtain pure cultures of bacteria in their laboratories, Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch made significant contributions to the germ theory of disease.
Refers to an increase in the number of organisms rather than an increase in their size. Refers to the proliferation or multiplication of bacteria. A bacterial colony is a mound or pile of bacteria containing millions of cells. The time taken for one cell to become two cells by binary fission is called the generation time.
In the laboratory, under ideal growth conditions, E. coli, V. cholerae, Staphylococcus spp., and Streptococcus spp. all have a generation time of about 20 minutes, Pseudomonas and Clostridium spp. may divide every 10 minutes, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis may divide only every 18 to 24 hours.
A medium in which all the ingredients are known; this is because the medium was prepared in the laboratory by adding a certain number of grams of each of the components (e.g., carbohydrates, amino acids, salts).
Complex media contain ground-up or digested extracts from animal organs (e.g., hearts, livers, brains), fish, yeasts, and plants, which provide the necessary nutrients, vitamins, and minerals.
Inoculation of a liquid medium involves adding a portion of the specimen to the medium. Inoculation of a solid or plated medium involves the use of a sterile inoculating loop to apply a portion of the specimen to the surface of the medium; a process commonly referred to as streaking.
Practiced to prevent: (a) microbiology professionals from becoming infected, (b) contamination of their work environment, and (c) contamination of clinical specimens, cultures, and subcultures.
The microbiologist may: (a) determine the total number of bacterial cells in the liquid (the total number would include both viable and dead cells) or (b) determine the number of viable (living) cells.
Fungal culture in the laboratory is usually carried out on agar plates, shake flasks, and bench top fermenters starting with an inoculum that typically features fungal spores.