LIB key terms

Cards (22)

  • individualism - social theory favouring freedom of action for individuals over the collective. all individuals are unique and have equal worth
  • developmental individualism - the idea that individual freedom is linked to human flourishing. linked to the desire to create a society in which each person can develop according to their potential
  • egotistical individualism - the idea that indivdual freedom is associated with self-interest and self-reliance
  • negative freedom - freedom FROM. the absence of external constraints in society as well as no interference in the private sphere - J.S Mill
  • freedom - the ability and right to make decisions in your own interests and being free from restraint
  • the state - a collection of permanent institutions that make up a nation under one government. necessary to avoid disorder but evil as it can remove individual liberty
  • limited government - a system of government with checks and balances limitin the exercise of government ie. government held by the constitution
  • laissez-faire capitalism - an economic system, organised by the market, where goods are produced for exchange and profit, and wealth is privately owned. J.S Mill
  • constitutionalism - government in which power is distributed and limited by the rule of law, usually codified by a written constitution
  • equality of opportunity - the idea that all individuals should have equal chances to rise and fall
  • foundational equality - rights all humans are afforded, translated to the rule of law e.g. liberty, the pursuit of happiness, the avoidance of pain
  • meritocracy - the holding of power selected by merit, rewarding hard work and talent
  • social contract - the idea that the state is set up with an agreement from the people to respect its laws which serve to protect them. John Locke
  • equality/social justice - the idea that individuals are of equal value and should be treated fairly by society
  • enabling state - a larger state that helps individuals reach their potential, promoting positive freedoms and opposing a minimal state. Rawls and Friedan.
  • minimal state - the idea that the role of the state must be restricted to preserve individual liberty
  • keynesianism - an economic system that requires government intervention to stimulate the economy to achieve full employment and price stability
  • harm principle - the idea that individuals should be free to do anything except harm other individuals
  • tolerance - a willingness to respect values and beliefs with which one disagrees
  • positive freedom - freedom TO. the idea that freedom is about personal fulfilment and realisation of potential
  • liberal democracy - a democracy that balances the will of the people in elections, with limited government and a respect for civil liberties
  • rationalism - the belief that all humans are capable of reason and logic