Long Test

Cards (19)

  • Philosophy
    • The study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, values, and reason.
  • Philosophy - Greek, by way of Latin, philosphia, “love of wisdom”
  • Philosophy logical body structure
    1. brain as the main source of intellect
    2. heart in the middle to be tamed by reason
    • Metaphysics
    • What is reality?
    • How does it work
    • Epistemology
    • What is knowledge?
    • How does it work?
    • Logic
    • What is truth?
    • How does it work?
    • Ethics
    • What are values?
    • How does it work?
    • Aesthetics
    • What is beauty?
    • How does it work?
    • Politics
    • What is the best way to govern?
    • Philosophical Inquiry
    • A method geared towards arriving at a clear meaning of common human issues in everyday life
    • Logic
    • The science and art of correct thinking. 
    • In logic, an argument is composed of premises and a conclusion
    • In logic, an argument is composed of premises and a conclusion.  
    • Premise
    • An assumption that something is true
    • Example: If A is B and B is C then A is C.
    • Conclusion
    • A claim that has been reached through the process of reasoning and is justified by preceding premises.
    • Ethics or Moral Philosophy
    • A branch of philosophy which deals with moral standards, inquires about the rightness or wrongness of human behavior or the goodness or badness of personality, trait or character.
    • Ethics or Moral Philosophy
    • deals with ideas, with topics such as moral standards or norms of morality, conscience, moral values, and virtues. 
    • Ethics or Moral Philosophy
    • A branch of philosophy which deals with moral standards, inquires about the rightness or wrongness of human behavior or the goodness or badness of personality, trait or character.
    • deals with ideas, with topics such as moral standards or norms of morality, conscience, moral values, and virtues. 
    • It is a study of the morality of human acts and moral agents, what makes an act obligatory and what makes a person accountable
    • Ethics or Moral Philosophy
    • It is a study of the morality of human acts and moral agents, what makes an act obligatory and what makes a person accountable
    • Ethics or Moral Philosophy
    • It is about the application of philosophy; about doing the right thing; determining what those right things are, in a way that benefits the individual and society at large in a fair, just, and kind manner