old labour - key labour principles embracing nationalism, redistribution of wealth from rich to poor and the provision of continually improving welfare services, rejecting Blairite and Thatcherite principles of free-marker reforms
new labour (third way) - revision of Old Labour values, shifting from a heavy focus on the working class to a wider class base and a less robust alliance with the trade unions
one nation - paternalistic approach adopted by the Conservatives under Benjamin Disraell in the 19th century, and continued by May and Cameron, arguing that the rich have an obligation to help the poor
new right a - wanting the state to take an authoritarian approach to morality, law and order
new right b - neo-liberals endorsing the free-market approach and the rolling back of the state in peoples lives and businesses
left wing - term for those who desire change, reform and alteration to the way society operates, often involving radical criticisms of capitalism
right wing - reflects support for the status quo, wanting little or no change and stressing the need for order, stability and hierachy
political parties - organisation of people with similar political views who develop goals and policies that it seeks to convert into political action