Evaluation of situational variables affecting obedience
+There is research to support Milgram's findings of
agency theory explaining high levels of obedience.
EG Blass found that when asked who they thought
was responsible for the harm to the learner in a clip
of Milgram's study, ps answered 'the experimenter'.
+Cross-cultural studies have shown cultural differences in levels of obedience EG in replications of Milgram's study only 16% of Australian ps gave the max shock (Kilham) whereas 85% of Germans gave the top voltage (Mantell), showing how legitimacy of authority is more likely to be accepted in some
cultures and how this will impact how children are
raised for example to follow authority.
+ research to support (Bickman and uniform)
-Agentic shift is a limited explanation that can only account
for obedience shown in some situations = not likely to happen in certain places and subject to demand characteristics