Responsible for achieving the goals and objectives of an organization through managing its resources
Organizational Structure
A system that outlines how certain activities are directed in order to achieve the goals of an organization
A process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal
Horizontal Organizational Structure
Flat management structure, usually best for an organization with fewer members, members tend to work more closely and have greater autonomy
Police Organization
A group of skilled professionals in the field of public safety administration working in the achievement of
Team Leaders
Managers who specialize in a particular task, product or project
The supreme source of leadership for any particular organization, the right to exercise, to decide, and to command by virtue of rank and position
The objectives of an organization, the source of all activities to assure organizational coordination, including policies, procedures, rules, and regulations
Leadership Behavior
The traits and characteristics that make some effective as a leader
Behavioural regulation imposed either by command or self restraint to ensure supportive behaviour from the members of the organization
The utilization of human and other resources to achieve goals
A combination of both management styles and leadership skills
Police Management
The art of manners of administering, controlling, or handling all the various aspects of the police organization
Leadership Style
A leader's characteristic behaviours when directing, motivating, guiding, and managing groups of people
Police Management
The skillful use of means to accomplish the task, purpose or objective of a police unit or organization
Situational Leadership
Leaders must have insight to understand when to change their management style and what leadership strategy fits each new paradigm
The process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives
Middle Managers
Managers who tend to function as points of contact between first line managers and top level management, ensuring two way communication
Vertical Organizational StructureMultiple levels of management, each with clearly defined and more complex demands, helps provide clarity in decision making hierarchy
Administration is an organization process concerned with the implementation of objectives and plans and internal operating efficiency.