Durkheim on religion

Cards (8)

  • Durkheim on religion:
    • Society is a system of interrelated parts
    • Society has needs which are met by different institutions - Religion, media etc
  • Sacred - things that are set apart, are surrounded by prohibitions and taboos and create feelings of awe
  • Profane - things that are mundane and ordinary
  • The powerful feelings evoked by the sacred implies that it represents something of great power - society
  • Totemism :
    • Believed that the essence of religion could e discovered by studying it in its simplest form in the simplest society
    • The Arunta rituals around the Totem reinforce the group solidarity
    • The totem represents power of the society that the individuals rely on
  • The collective conscience:
    • Sacred symbols represent society’s collective conscience
    • Rituals reinforce this and maintain integration
    • Rituals bind people together, reminds them that they are part of something bigger
  • Cognitive functions of religion:
    • Religion is the source of our ability to reason and think conceptually
    • Religion is the origin of shared categories - space, time etc - that allow us to think and share ideas
    • The splitting of clans gave the first ideas of classification
  • Criticisms of Durkheim:
    • Worsley - There isn’t a clear division between the sacred and the profane
    • Explains integration within communities but not the conflict between them
    • Postmodernists: increasing diversity as fractured the collective conscience