Aims and Hypothesises

Cards (10)

  • Aim
    General statement of what investigator intends to research
    • Can include the purpose of the study
  • Hypothesis
    A precise testable statement including levels of the independent and dependent variables
  • Operationalisation
    Variables carefully stated, demonstrating exactly how they are to be measured
  • Null Hypothesis
    No change in the measurement of the DV when the IV is manipulated
  • Alternative Hypothesis
    Is a change in the measurement of the DV when the IV is manipulated
  • Statistical testing is used to test hypothesise
  • One-Tailed Hypothesis

    Directional statement of difference
  • Two-Tailed Hypothesis
    Non-directional statement of difference
  • One-tailed hypothesise are only used when there is prior research
  • Falsifiability
    Greater the confidence of the theory due to the basis of probability