- See social structures as shaping history
- Althusser rejects the economic determinism and humanism
- contradictions in the base cause changes in the superstructure and brings about the downfall of capitalism
- 3 structures: economic level - all activities that produce something to satisfy a need, political - containing all forms of organisation, ideological - ways that people see themselves and their world
- marx believes this is a one way causality (economic base determines the superstructure) while Althusser believes there is relative autonomy with a two way causality
- the state performs political and indispensable ideological functions to ensure the reproduction of capitalism - RSA and ISA
- free will is an illusion, everything about us is the product of underlying social structures
- craib - society is a puppet theatre and we are the puppets, unseen structures are the hidden puppet master determining our thoughts and actions
- Althusser argues that we are not free agents - the belief that we possess free will is false consciousness produced by ISA
- society socialises individuals to slot into pre existing roles that will meet societies' needs
- socialism will come about because of capitalism resulting from over-determinism (contradictions in the 3 structures resulting in the collapse of the system as a whole