bus paper 1

Cards (56)

  • ways the technology can improve products
    products are faster
    they are cheaper
    easier to use
  • explain one way in which technology can change products
    the internet has made it faster for people to buy products
    they can use apps to look at products and buy items
    many companies will be able to deliver them in a few days
  • what are needs and wants caused by
    changes in fashion
    changes in demographics
    changes in economy
    changes in lifestyle
  • what are the risks of starting a business
    financial loss- lose investment
    lack of security- no income guaranteed like a job
    business failure- no sales /income
  • what are the rewards of starting a business
    business success
  • why are some maekets riskier than others
    small market
    seasonal demands
  • how do you minimise risk
    market research
    writing a business plan to identify potential problems
    ensuring there is enough finance available
    usp over competition
    know competitors weakness
  • how can a business add value to its products
    speedier service
  • what do entrepreneurs do
    take risks
    identify gaps in the market
    organise resources
    make business decisions
    run and grow business
  • what are the benefits to the economy of people becoming entrepreneurs
    creates economic growth
    creates jobs
    creates products that are needed
    pays taxes to the government
    products exports for country to seal
  • why is it important that a business meets customer needs
    to generate sales and gain revenue to ensure survival
  • what will customers do if you meet customer needs
    will be loyal
    good WOD may attract customers
    customers will repeat purchase
  • why would a business sale a range of products
    to meet needs of many customers
    to increase potential revenue
    to raise more profits
  • what are the main customer needs
  • what are the main purposes of market research
    identify gaps in the market
    identify customer needs
    understand trends
    know customer views on products
    make decisions to minimise failure
  • what does market research help a business understand

  • what wre the main types of market research
    focus groups
    social media
  • what are the advantages of primary research
    specific information to your company
    good for qualitative data (words)
    direct from customers
    more accurate
  • explain one advantge of primary research
    about customers- meet their needs- sell more
  • what are the main types of secondary research
    sales data
    internet sites
    market reports
  • what are the advantages of secondary research
    less time consuming
    cheaper so lesstime taken
    can back up primary findings
    good for qualitative data
  • explain one adavntage of seconadary research
    quick-can make produscts- 1st in the market- become mma
  • how can you make mrk research more effective
    large sample and do both types
  • what is the problem with carrying out mrk research
    time consuming get right info
  • explain how a large sample can can make your data more appropiate
    more likely to represent your customers- more correct info-better decisions
  • how can social media help with mrk research
    quicker to find
    up to date+ large sample
  • why is reliable data important for a business
    decision is better, more likely to be successful
  • how can you make data more reliable
    ask appropiate Q
    representative sample
  • why might data be bias
    1. people may know the answers
    2. not representative
    3. questions my be phased to give bias
  • explain how comanies can use peoples profiles on socail media
    to find their target market.
    see what they buy/like. then produce it
  • what are the advantages of mrkt mapping
    finds gaps
    identify close rivals
    can make decisions about brand
    see if its worth entering the market
    help segment the market
  • waht are the limitations of market mapping
    could be perception not fact
    only two variables so simple
  • what is a market segment
    a group with similar characteristics and buying habits
  • what characteristics can be used to segment a market
  • what are the benfits of segmenting your market
    can meet specific needs
    can differentiate
    taget marketing at customers
    focus on a group and get good at it
    develop a usp/brand image
  • explain why a business would choose to segment their market
    meet needs
    loyal customers
    will pay more
  • what are the limitations of segmenting your market 

    could lose other customers
    costly to change to meet their needs
    demographics could change over time
  • what are the benefits of differentiation
    can gain advantage of competition
    customers will see their needs being met+ stay loyal
    can position product and target precisely
  • what is a competitive market
    1. large number of customers to try gai as many as possible
    2. lots of businesses selling similar products
  • what are the problems with a highly competitive market
    you have to reduce prices to compete
    lower profit margins
    have to monitor comp alot
    difficult to expand
    may have to decrease costs