Cards (15)

  • Case study of a tropical rainforest setting to illustrate and analyse key themes in water and carbon cycles and their relationship to environmental change and human activity.
    Amazon rainforest
  • Location of the Amazon
    Located mainly in Brazil
  • What river basin does the Amazon RF sit within?
    The Amazon River basin
  • Size of Amazon Rf compared to others in the World
    The largest tropical rainforest on Earth
  • What percentage of the South American contienent does the AMazon RF cover?
    Covers 40%
  • Average rainfall across the whole Amazon basin annually
    Approxiamtely 2300mm anually
  • How much carbon does the Amazon store?
    Estimated to store bwtween 80 adn 120 billion tons of Carbon
  • What tropics is amazon located in ?
    Between Tropics of Cancer and Tropics of Capricorn
  • Describ the soild of TF
    -> Soils are a mixture of weathered rock,rotted organic matter etc
    -> Soils are naturally poor in nutrients
  • What returns CO2 back ti the atmosphere in the TRF
    Respiration by plants,trees and many animals
  • Causes of deforestion in Amazon: Mining
    Up to 25% of the Peruvians Amazons annual gold production comes from illegal mining
  • Causes of deforestion in Amazon: Mining
    In Guyana, illegal mining of mainly gold is responsible for 85% of forest loss
  • Deforestion in Amazon
    Between 2000 and 2007 the Amazon was deforestated at a rate of nearly 20,000km2 per year
  • What place of world polluters is Brazil?
    Brazil is the 6th largest polluter
  • Impact of deforestaion: Less precipiation (global impact)
    If there was complete deforestation of the Amzon Basin this would likely reduce rainfall in the US , Midwest,Northwest and parts of the south during agricultural season