Eco test

Cards (15)

  • School of economic thought
    A group of economic thinkers who share or shared a common perspective on the way economies work
  • Schools of thought shape economic theories, guiding policymakers and academics in understanding and addressing economic challenges
  • Invisible Hand
    Suggests that individuals, by pursuing their own self-interest, unintentionally contribute to the overall economic wellbeing of society
  • Pin Factory
    • Illustrates the importance of division of labour and specialisation
  • Utility Maximisation
    The cost of a product that a consumer is willing to pay is approximate to the marginal utility they receive from the purchased good
  • Marginalism
    A theory that asserts individuals make decisions on the purchase of an additional unit of a good or service based on the additional or marginal utility they receive from it
  • Liquidity preference
    Wealth holders' desire for exchanging ready money for safe, non-liquid assets such as bonds
  • Perfect Competition
    Marshall believed that competition was imprecise, with prices being influenced by the rise and fall of demand
  • Spending Multipliers
    Increase in spending ultimately leads to a bigger change in GDP than the amount spent
  • Classical economics
    Associated with Adam Smith
  • Keynesian economics
    An economic theory of total spending in the economy and the effects on output, employment and inflation
  • Marginal Productivity Theory
    Theory that explains the relationship between the quantity of a factor of production (FOP) employed and the resulting output
  • Assumptions of Marginal Productivity Theory
    • Perfect competition
    • Homogeneity of factors - all units of FOP are homogeneous in nature
    • Full employment - under full employment, the supply of a FoP is fixed in quantity
    • Same state of technology - assumes that the technology used in production is constant
  • Marginal Physical Productivity (MPP)

    Increase in output due to increase in FOP
  • Marginal Revenue Productivity (MRP)

    Increase in revenue resulting from employment of an additional unit of FOP