Earth's Climate through time

Cards (10)

  • Varagian Glaciation - (~635 –800 Ma) “Snow Ball Earth” continental glaciers at nearly equatorial latitudes
  • Cenozoic Decline - (65 Ma to Present) Glaciation of Antarctica and Northern Hemisphere
  • Drake passage - Formed by the separation of south America and Antarctica
  • Label the following.
    A) Younger Dryas
    B) Holocene Maximum
    C) Little ice age
    D) Medieval Climatic Optimum
  • Stegodonis - a primitive elephant that has its origins in the late Miocene of Asia. It is the ancestor of mammoths and modern elephants.
  • Precession - is the ‘wobble’ of the Earth on its axis. Variation in precession changes the amount of energy received by the Sun.
  • Every how many years does the Earth's eccentricity, obliquity, and precession change?
    100000, 41000, 23000
  • What are the conditions for glacial period based on Milankovitch cycles?
    Low eccentricity
    Low tilt
    Large Sun-Earth distance in the summer
  • What are the conditions for interglacial period based on Milankovitch cycles?
    High eccentricity
    High tilt
    Small Earth-sun distance in summer
  • Among the ocean waters and land masses, which is more absorbent to solar energy?