
Cards (10)

  • Adrenaline(anaphylaxis)

    Vasoconstrictor and bronchodilator that counteracts the vasodilation and bronchoconstriction induced by histamine and other inflammatory mediators
  • Administering adrenaline(anaphylaxis)

    1. Every 5mins
    2. Helps stabilize mast cells
    3. Mitigate vasodilation
    4. Improve BP
    5. Improve tissue perfusion
    6. Relieve airway constriction
  • Oxygen
    High-flow oxygen supplementation helps to improve oxygenation (92-96%)
  • Salbutamol
    Sympathomimetic affecting B2 adrenoreceptors
  • Ipratropium Bromide
    Antimuscarinic agent which promotes bronchodilation by inhibiting cholinergic bronchomotor tone
  • Ondansetron
    Anti-emetic, Serotonin 5HT3 receptor antagonist, Blocks action of serotonin (which may cause nausea/vomiting)
  • Fentanyl
    Synthetic narcotic analgesic, Acts on CNS by binding with opioid receptors, Binding of opioid receptors results in a decrease in intracellular cAMP which results in inhibition of nociceptive neurotransmitters
  • Morphine
    Narcotic analgesic, Acts on CNS by binding with opioid receptors, Altering processes affecting pain perception and emotional response to pain, Causes respiratory depression, vasodilation, decreased gag reflex and slows AV node conduction, Binding of opioid receptors results in a decrease in intracellular cAMP which results in inhibition of nociceptive neurotransmitters
  • Magnesium Sulphate
    Electrolyte, Causes vasodilation and bronchodilation through inhibition of smooth muscle contraction, Magnesium ions process anticonvulsant and anti-dysrhythmic properties
  • Glyceryl Trinitrate
    Vasodilator, Decreases preload by increasing venous capacity, pooling venous blood in the peripheral veins, reducing ventricular filling pressure and decreasing arterial blood pressure (afterload), This results in a decrease in myocardial oxygen demand, although a reflex tachycardia may offset this