Cards (5)

  • Civil Rights Movement
    1. Protests held to draw attention to the issue by providing social proof + demonstrating solidarity
    2. Remained consistent with one another (synchronic) and over time (diachronic)
    • Many marches were held with large numbers of black people, despite being the minority of the American population (unanimity gave them greater collective power)
  • 3. Augmentation Principle + Dissenting Authority Figures
    • Sacrifices + risk taking behaviours (MLK arrested 29 times, Rosa arrested, Bus Boycotts)
  • 4. American population began to recognise the cause
    Undergo Systematic Processing = begin to consider minority values at a deeper level, drawing realisation of its unjustness

    >> Suggests Social change is a form of ISI (conforming as they want to be 'right') which results in internalisation (public + privately sharing views)
  • 5. As MLK continued to press the government for civil rights
    • The movement grew until it reached a tipping point of critical mass - demonstrating the Snowball Effect
    • The extreme social pressure led to a paradigm shift: the US government finally passes the 1964 Civil Rights Act, prohibiting discrimination so it was no longer the 'norm'
  • 6. Social Cryptomnesia is when the old norm gradually gets forgotten