The relatively stable state inside the body of an animal.
Examples of internal conditions maintained homeostatically
Levelofblood glucose
Set point
The specific value of some aspect of the body or its cells that the body's systems will usually attempt to go back to
A change in the internal or external environment that is detected by a receptor
The adjustment of the system's activities so the value moves back toward the set point
Adjust ernal and extemal changes in order toaintain this steady state. Animal organs and organ systems
Animal organs and organ systems
physiologic processes that result in negative feedback relationships.
goal of homeostasis is the maintenanceofequilibrium around a specific value of some aspect of the body or its cells
called a set point.
While there are normal fluctuations from the set point, the body's systems will usually attempt to go back to
his point.
A change in the internal or external environment is called a stimulus and is detected by a receptor;
if the body
ecomes too warm, adjustments are made to cool the animal. If glucose levels in the blood rise after a meal, adjustments are
made to lower them and to get the nutrient into tissues that need
it or to store it for later use.
active regulation of osmoticpressure
to maintain the balance of water and electrolytes in an
needed to perform
biochemical reactions and preservehomeostasis.
movement of solvent molecules through a semipermeable membrane into an area that has a highersoluteconcentration.
Osmotic pressure is the externalpressure needed to prevent the solvent from crossing the membrane.
Osmoticpressure depends on the concentration of solute particles.
In an
rganism, the solvent is water and the solute particles are mainly
dissolvedsalts and other ions,
larger molecules (proteins
and polysaccharides) and nonpolar or hydrophobic molecules
semipermeable membrane
To maintain the water and electrolytebalance, organisms excrete excesswater, solutemolecules, and wastes.
Two major types of osmoregulation are osmoconformers and
Osmoconformers use active or passive processes to match their
internalosmolarity to that of the environment.
seen in marineinvertebrates, which have the same internal
osmotic pressure inside their cells as the outside water
control internalosmoticpressure so that
conditions are maintained within a tightly-regulatedrange.
Many animals are osmoregulators, including vertebrates (like
When osmolarityincreases around bacteria, they may use transport mechanisms to absorb electrolytes or smallorganicmolecules.
The osmoticstress activates genes in certain bacteria that lead to the synthesis of osmoprotectantmolecules.
Protists use contractile vacuoles to fransport ammonia and other excretory wastes from the cytoplasm to the cell
membrane, where the vacuole opens to the environment.
Osmotic pressure forces water into the cytoplasm, while diffusion
and active transport control the flow of water and electrolytes.
Higher plants use the stomata on the underside of leaves
to control water loss.
Plantcells rely on vacuoles to regulate cytoplasmosmolarity.
Plants that live in hydrated soil (mesophytes) easily compensate for water loss from by absorbingmore water
The leaves and stem of the plants may be protected from excessivewaterloss by a waxy outer coating
called the cuticle.
Plants that live in dry habitats (xerophytes) store water in vacuoles, have thickcuticles, and may have
structuralmodifications (i.e., needle-shapedleaves, protectedstomata) to protect against water loss.
Plants that live in salty
vironments (halophytes) have to regulate not only water
intake/loss but also the effect on osmotic pressure by salt.
species store salts in their roots so the low water potential will draw the solvent in via osmosis.
Salt may be excreted onto
leaves to trap watermolecules for absorption by leafcells.
that live in water or damp environments (hydrophytes) can
absorb water across their entire surface.
Animals utilize an excretorysystem to control the amount of water that is lost to the environment and maintain
Proteinmetabolism also generates wastemolecules which could disrupt osmoticpressure.
The organs that
are responsible for osmoregulation depend on the species.