microscopic vessels where substance exchanged between blood & tissues
convey blood from tissue back to heart, has valves to prevent backflow
collect blood from capillaries & drain to veins
Basic Exchange mechanism in Capillaries
most important method of capillary exchange, exchange process form oxygen, carbon dioxide, glucose, amino acids and hormones
substances in the blood plasma become enclosed
within tiny vesicles
• Endocytosis: entrance of substances
• Exocytosis: exit of substance
Hemodynamics:factors affecting circulation
Blood flow
Cardiac output
Blood pressure
Venus return
Blood flow
volume of blood flows thru tissue
Cardiac output
volume of blood circulates thru systemic blood vessels
2 factors influencing cardiac output:
Blood pressure
resistance between blood & vessel wall
Blood pressure
hydrostatic pressure exerted by blood on walls of blood vessels, generated by contraction of ventricles & highest in AORTA and large SYSTEMIC ARTERIES, resting adult the BP rises about 120 systole (contraction) and drops to 80 diastole (relaxation)
opposition to blood flow principally, result of friction between blood & walls of blood vessels
Resistance depends on:
average bv radius
blood viscosity
total length of bv
Venus return
volume of blood flowing back to hearts from systemic veins, depends on pressure diff from venules to right ventricle
travelling pressure wave created by alternate expansion & recoil of elastic arteries after each systole of left ventricle, Normal resting pulse: 70-80 bpm