Banquet Scene

Cards (4)

  • Macbeth's guilt plan?
    'Thy bones are marrowless, thy blood is cold'
    • Repetitive sentence structure shows how he is trying to keep a calm and steady pace but failing
    'It will have blood, they say; blood will have blood'
    • Repetition of 'blood' highlights it constantly being on Macbeth's mind
  • Deteriorating marriage plan?
    'Are you a man?'
    • Fiercely toned rhetorical question shows Lady Macbeth's anger as well as their interesting power dynamic.
    'What, quite unmann'd in folly'
    • Repeating her insulting point shows her desperation
  • Guilty behavior plan?
    'Thou canst not say I did it. Never shake thy gory locks at me'
    • Word choice of 'gory' has connotations of blood and dirt. This tells the listening thanes that harm has been done to the ghost
    'O valiant cousin'
    • Word choice of 'valiant' has connotations of courage and determination
    • Word choice of 'cousin' shows he is seen as family
  • Points covered?
    1. Macbeth's guilt
    2. Deteriorating relationship
    3. Macbeth's suspicious behavior