Integumentary System

Cards (12)

  • Integumentary system
    Your body's outer layer, consisting of skin, hair, nails and glands
  • Integumentary system
    • Acts as a physical barrier, protecting your body from bacteria, infection, injury and sunlight
    • Helps regulate your body temperature
    • Allows you to feel skin sensations like hot and cold
  • Main structures of the integumentary system
    • Skin
    • Nails
    • Hair
    • Glands
  • Skin
    The largest and heaviest organ in your body, weighing about six pounds or more and approximately 2 millimeters thick
  • Layers of the skin
    • Epidermis
    • Dermis
    • Hypodermis
  • Nails
    Protect the ends of your fingers and toes
  • Anatomy of the nail
    • Nail plate
    • Nail bed
    • Cuticle
    • Matrix
    • Lunula
  • Hair
    Made of a protein called keratin, with three main parts: shaft, follicle and bulb
  • Goosebumps are caused by hair erector muscles connected to hair follicles and skin contracting
  • Glands in the integumentary system
    • Sudoriferous glands (sweat glands)
    • Sebaceous glands (oil glands)
    • Ceruminous glands (ear wax glands)
    • Mammary glands
  • Functions of the integumentary system
    • Provides physical protection against bacteria and germs
    • Absorbs and helps heal abrasions, cuts and other injuries
    • Cushions and protects your body from infection
    • Protects you from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays and sunburn
    • Excretes sebum, sweat and other waste from your body
    • Regulates your body temperature and allows you to stay cool
    • Helps you feel heat, cold and detect other sensations
    • Synthesizes vitamin D
  • Common conditions/disorders of the integumentary system
    • Skin disorders (allergies, blisters, skin cancer, infections, rashes, etc.)
    • Hair disorders (hair loss, dandruff, head lice, etc.)
    • Nail disorders (fungus, separation from nail bed, etc.)
    • Gland disorders (excessive sweating, dermatitis, etc.)