Working memory model

Cards (14)

  • Working Memory Model (WMM)
    Proposed by Baddeley & Hitch in 1974, a cognitive theoretical model which describes working memory as a temporary storage system under attentional control that underpins our capacity for complex thought
  • The WMM suggests that working memory does not consist of a single unitary store, but rather consists of active component stores holding different pieces of information at any one time while they are being worked on
  • Working Memory has replaced Short-Term Memory (STM) as the term used to describe this temporary storage system
  • Dual Processing in STM
    • Participants performed less well when asked to perform two similar tasks simultaneously compared to two dissimilar tasks, suggesting sound and vision are processed separately
  • Performing two visual or two verbal tasks at the same time

    • Listening to music while talking to a friend
    • Watching TV while listening to a podcast
  • Performing a visual task at the same time as a verbal task
    • Scrolling through social media while listening to music
    • Listening to your friend talking while reading a book
  • Central Executive (CE)

    The control centre which deals with incoming information and sends it to the sub-systems, has a non-specific modality and processes information from any of the five senses
  • Role of the Central Executive
    • Directs attention to particular tasks, monitors and coordinates information, makes decisions to allocate resources to the slave systems
  • The Central Executive has a very limited capacity as it can't attend to too much information at once, and has virtually no capacity to store data
  • Complex cognitive functions performed by the Central Executive
    • Mental arithmetic, problem solving, comprehension testing, switching attention between tasks (Stroop Effect)
  • Phonological Loop
    Processes sound-based information, consists of a Phonological Store which holds the memory of sounds/words, and an Articulatory Control System which rehearses information through sub-vocalization
  • Visuo-Spatial Sketch Pad
    Temporary storage system used for the manipulation, planning and understanding of visual and spatial information, has a limited capacity of 3-4 objects, consists of a Visual Cache which stores visual data and an Inner Scribe which stores spatial and movement data
  • Episodic Buffer

    General storage component added in 2000 to explain how information from short-term memory can be integrated into long-term memory, holds information as episodes and scenes and maintains a sense of time
  • Interference effects demonstrate the limitations of working memory, such as proactive interference where prior learning impairs the ability to recall new information