Proposed by Baddeley & Hitch in 1974, a cognitive theoretical model which describes working memory as a temporary storage system under attentional control that underpins our capacity for complex thought
The WMM suggests that working memory does not consist of a single unitary store, but rather consists of active component stores holding different pieces of information at any one time while they are being worked on
Participants performed less well when asked to perform two similar tasks simultaneously compared to two dissimilar tasks, suggesting sound and vision are processed separately
The control centre which deals with incoming information and sends it to the sub-systems, has a non-specific modality and processes information from any of the five senses
Processes sound-based information, consists of a Phonological Store which holds the memory of sounds/words, and an Articulatory Control System which rehearses information through sub-vocalization
Temporary storage system used for the manipulation, planning and understanding of visual and spatial information, has a limited capacity of 3-4 objects, consists of a Visual Cache which stores visual data and an Inner Scribe which stores spatial and movement data
General storage component added in 2000 to explain how information from short-term memory can be integrated into long-term memory, holds information as episodes and scenes and maintains a sense of time
Interference effects demonstrate the limitations of working memory, such as proactive interference where prior learning impairs the ability to recall new information