home and heath insurance

Cards (4)

  • what is home insruance - 

    this covers the building in the event of a fire, storm, accidnetal damage etc. it proivides compensation if the buidling is damaged but not the contents inside
  • what is home insurance (contents ciover) -
    this is the same as Home insurance but it also compensates if any of the contnents inside the home have been damaged/ruined. it also covers robberys.
  • what is personal accident insurance -
    a type of insurance that coverest the event of a personal accidnet, e.g - breaking a tooth- the insirance company will compensate you for the money in the hospital
  • what is health insurance -
    in an event of a serious illness or accident, the insurance company will compensate for hopital bills and some medical bills, it can can offer cover for hospital stays and operations