Elizabeth I: Rebellions

Cards (5)

  • 1569: Northern Rebellion - Durham and North Yorkshire. Ambassador De Spes encouraged Mary, Queen of Scots, to rebel. Duke of Norfolk, Earls of Northumberland and Westmorland involved.
    4,600 rebels put down by 7,000 of Elizabeth's troops under Suffolk.
    Durham taken but rebels dispersed quickly. Around 800 executed.
  • 1571: Ridolfi Plot
    Wanted to marry Mary to Duke of Norfolk, led by Earls of Northumberland and Westmorland.
    Cecil secured Norfolk's execution.
    De Spes expelled, Mary remained imprisoned.
    Northumberland executed, Westmorland exiled to court in Spanish Netherlands
  • 1583-4: Throckmorton Plot
    Led by Francis Throckmorton, acted as intermediary between Mary and new Spanish Ambassador, Mendoza. Planned landing of foreign troops in Sussex, overthrowing of Elizabeth with Mary.
    Walsingham helped stop it, Mendoza expelled and Bond of Association created - all usurpers to be executed when they try.
  • 1586: Babington Plot
    Anthony Babington sent a letter detailing an assassination attempt of Elizabeth. Thomas Phelippes, Walsingham's codebreaker.
    Babington and conspirators executed. Mary arrested and found guilty.
    1587: Elizabeth signed Mary's execution warrant but refused to allow it to be carried out.
    Secretary of State William Davidson releases the warrant, Mary executed at Fotheringhay Castle, Elizabeth furious.
  • 1601: Essex rebellion.
    Armed coup from Earl of Essex to remove Robert Cecil. Little support amongst Commoners and for some reason the Welsh.
    Essex quickly discovered by Cecil, tried and executed.