Neo-Freudian psychologists were thinkers who agreed with the basis of Freud's psychoanalytic theory but disagreed with some of his conclusions
Analytical psychology - each of us is motivated not only repressed experiences but also by certain emotionally toned experienced inherited from our ancestors. These inherited images make up what Jung called the collective unconscious.
Ego - the center of consciousness but not the core of personality.
Attitudes - predisposition to act ore react in a characteristic direction.
Introversion - the turning inward of psychic energy with an orientation toward the subjective. they are turned into their inner world with all its biases, fantasies, dreams, and individualized perceptions.
Extraversion - the attitude distinguished by the turning outward of psychic energy so that a person is oriented toward the objective and away from the subjective.
FUNCTIONS - The psyche is an apparatus for adaptation and orientation and consists of several different psychic functions. Both introversion and extraversion can combine with any of these
SENSING - The function that receives physical stimuli and transmits them to perceptual consciousness. Perception by means of five senses.
Extraverted sensing - people perceive external stimuli objectively, in much the same way that these stimuli exist in reality.
Introverted sensing - people are largely influenced by their subjective sensation of sight, sound, taste, touch, and so forth. They are guided by their interpretation of sense stimuli rather than the stimuli themselves.
Thinking - Logical intellectual activity that produces a chain of ideas. A way of judging things in terms of logical process.
Extraverted thinking - people rely heavily on concrete thoughts, but they may also use abstract ideas if these ideas have been transmitted to them from without, for example, from parents to teachers.
Introverted thinking - people react to external stimuli, but their interpretation of an event is colored more by the internal meaning they bring with them than by the objective facts themselves.
Intuition - It involves perception beyond the workings of consciousness. Intuiting differs from sensing in that it is more creative, often adding or subtracting elements from conscious sensation. More conscious.
ØExtraverted intuitive - people are oriented toward facts in the external world.
Introverted intuitive - people are guided by unconscious perception of facts that are basically subjective and have little or no resemblance to external reality
Extraverted feeling - people use objective data to make evaluations.
FEELING - It is the evaluation of every conscious activity, even those valued as indifferent. This is not emotion but may involve some. More abstract and fluid than thinking.
Introverted feeling - people base their value judgements primarily on subjective perceptions rather than objective facts.
Psychologically healthy people use four hierarcy of functions and are highly developed.
Personal Unconscious - Embraces all repressed, forgotten or subliminally perceived experiences of one individual
ØComplex is a core pattern of emotions, memories, perceptions, and wishes in the personal unconscious organized around a common theme, such as power or status.
Mother Complex - a person’s experiences with MOTHER may become grouped around an emotional core so that the person’s mother or even the word “mother”, sparks an emotional response that blocks the smooth flow of thought.
These blueprints of typical reactions or behaviors can develop and emerge as relatively autonomous archetypes.
Archetypes - These are ancient or archaic images that derive from the collective unconscious. Almost the same with complexes but is more general for all of humanity, not just the personal unconscious.
Progression - It is the adaptation to the outside world involves the forward flow of psychic energy.
Regression - Adaptation to the inner worlds relies on a backward flow of psychic energy. At midlife, people usually turn their attention inwards, exploring their own unconscious therefore regressing towards what is inside their psyche.
Self Realization is the process of becoming an individual or whole person, Psychological rebirth
Dream analysis -Jung objected to Freud’s notion that nearly all dreams are wish fulfillments and that most dream symbols represent sexual urges
Active Imagination - to reveal archetypal images emerging from the unconscious.
Individuation - The goal of life according to Jung is individuation which means achieving wholeness by integrating conscious and unconscious aspects of personality.
Psychoanalytic Social Theory - It was built on the assumption that social and cultural conditions, especially childhood experiences, are largely responsible for shaping personality.
People who do not have their needs for love and affection satisfied during childhood develop basic hostility toward their parents and consequently, suffer from basic anxiety.
the three fundamental styles of relating to others:
Moving towards people
Moving against people
Moving away from people
Neurotics’ compulsive behavior generates a basic intrapsychic conflict that may take the form of either an idealized self-image or self-hatred.
The idealized self-image is expressed as (1) neurotic search for glory (2) neurotic claims, or (3) neurotic pride.
Self-hatred is expressed as either self-contempt or alienation from self.
Competitiveness and the basic hostility is spawn result in feelings of isolation.
These feelings of being alone in a potentially hostile world led to intensified needs for affection, which, in turn, cause people to overvalue love.
However, children seldom overtly express this hostility as rage; instead, they repress their hostility toward their parents and have no awareness of it. Repressed hostility then leads to profound feelings of insecurity and a vague sense of apprehension.