GI (digestive lab exam)

Cards (12)

  • what is the following micrograph?
    gastroesophageal junction
    A) stratified sq. ep. (esophagus)
    B) stratified sq. ep. (esophagus)
  • What do the numbers 2, 3 (3a), and 4 represent?
    Esophagus, cardiac sphincter, cardiac region, fundic region
  • What do the numbers 5, 6 (6a), 15, and 16 represent?
    body region, pyloric region, pyloric sphincter, pancreas, and pancreatic duct
  • What does 16 represent?
    pancreatic duct
  • What do the letter a, c, d, and b represent?
    Right lobe, right hepatic duct, left hepatic duct, left lobe
  • What do the numbers 20, 19, and 18 represent?
    Gallbladder, cystic duct, common hepatic duct
  • What do the numbers 1, 3, 2, and 5 represent?
    Tooth, hard palate, tounge, pharynx
  • What do the numbers 4, 4a, 6, 7, 7a, and 7b represent?
    soft palate, uvula, esophagus, stomach, cardiac sphincter, fundus, pyloric sphincter
  • What do the numbers 8, 9, and 10 represent?
    duodenum, pancreas, spleen
  • What do the following numbers 15a, 15b, 15c, 15d, 13a, and 13b represent?
    Ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, cecum, jejunum, ilium
  • What do the numbers 14, 15e, and 16 represent?
    Ileocecal junction, appendix, rectum
  • What do the numbers 12, and 11 represent?
    Liver, gallbladder