Transmits energy, not water mass across the ocean's surface
Orbital wave
Water moves in closed circles
Orbital motion
Extends to depth of 1/2 of wavelength
Diameter of circles only 1/23 of those at surface
Factors used to classify ocean waves
Disturbing force that creates them
Restoring force that flattens them
Disturbing force
The energy that causes ocean waves to form (e.g. wind, change in atmospheric pressure, landslides, volcanic eruptions, faulting of seafloor, changes in gravitational force)
Restoring force
Dominant force that returns the water surface to flatness after a wave has formed (surface tension for wavelengths < 1.73 cm, gravity for wavelengths > 1.73 cm)
Types of ocean waves
Seismic waves
Tidal waves
Wave characteristics
Depend on depth and wavelength
Wavelength determines size of orbits
Depth determines the shape of orbits
Wave types based on depth
Deep water: depth is greater than L/2 (only capillary and wind waves)
Transitional: depth is less than L/2 but greater than L/20
Shallow water: depth is less than L/20
Celerity or Speed (C)
In deep water waves, the longer the wavelength the faster the wave energy will move through water (C= L/T or C=1.56T or C=5T)
Speed in shallow water waves
C=√ g*d or C=3.1√ d
Wind waves
Gravity waves formed from transfer of energy from wind to water
Sea waves
Irregular peaked waves formed by simultaneous wind waves of many wavelengths, periods and heights
Mature wind waves with crests becoming rounded and regular when wind slows down away from storm
Wind wave development
Determined by wind strength, wind duration, and fetch
Fully developed sea is maximum wave size theoretically possible for a wind of a certain strength, duration and fetch
Wave steepness
Maximum ratio of wave height to wavelength is 1:7 for moderately sized wind waves
Waves approaching shore
1. Wave train moves towards shore and feels bottom at D=L/2
2. Circular motion becomes elliptical and wave crests become peaked
3. Interaction with the bottom slows the wave
4. Wave becomes too high
5. Break occurs in 3:4 ratio of wave height to water depth
Wave refraction
Redistributes energy and straightens a coastline
Wave reflection
Bounces off obstacle and moves towards area of initial propagation
Wave diffraction
When wave meets an edge it will wrap around the object, most pronounced when gap width is similar to wavelength or smaller
Storm surge
Abrupt bulge of water driven ashore by storm, not a progressive wave as only a crest, can reach up to 7.5m, affected by strength of storm, strong onshore winds, low atmospheric pressure, high tide, and bottom contour
Sloshes from side to side in a confined space, called a standing wave as it oscillates vertically with no forward movement, damage is rare on coastal regions, height in open ocean rarely more than a few inches
Tsunami and seismic sea waves
Also called "harbor waves", long wavelength shallow water progressive waves caused by rapid displacement of water, speed = √ acceleration due to gravity (G) * depth
Tsunami characteristics
Extremely low steepness (ratio of height to wavelength), long period (5-20 minutes), when approaching shore period remains constant, wave speed decreases and wave height greatly increases
Other tsunamis in history
1883- Krakatoa, Indonesia
1946 fracture along Aleutian trench
1960 earthquake along Peru-Chile trench
1992- Nicaragua
1993- earthquake in sea of Japan
1998 wave in New Guinea
2010 earthquake in Chile
DART (Deep Ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis)
Warning network
Periodic, short-term changes in the height of the ocean surface due to gravitational force of moon & Sun and rotation of the Earth, wavelength is 1/2 circumference of Earth, also called force waves as never free of forces that form them
Newton's law of gravity
Pull of gravity between 2 bodies is proportional to the mass of bodies and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them
Earth-Moon system
Revolves around center of mass, revolves once a month around system's mass (27.3 days)
Lunar tides
A complete tidal day is 24 hours 50 minutes as moon rises 50 minutes later each day
Sun's role in tides
Sun's influence is only 46% of the moon, causes smaller bulges, highest point moves between 23.5o above & below the equator, position changes slowly as Earth only revolves around the Sun once a year
Spring vs Neap tides
Spring tides occur when Sun & moon are in conjunction, greatest high tides and greater tidal ranges, occur at new and full moon
Neap tides occur when Sun & Moon not in conjunction or opposite, lesser tidal range, arrive a week after spring tides
Dynamic theory of tides
Lunar tidal bulge approx 55 cm, solar tidal bulge approx 24 cm, avg tidal range approx 2 m
Tidal patterns
Tidal waves are shallow waves affected by ocean bottom and continents, shape of basin also contributes
Semi-diurnal: 2 high, 2 low of equal heights
Diurnal: 1 high, 1 low
Mixed: 2 high, 2 low with significantly different heights
Tidal patterns and Coriolis effect
Water moving in a tidal wave tends to stay to the right of an ocean basin, as it moves north in a Northern Hemisphere ocean it moves toward the eastern boundary, as it moves from north to south it moves toward western boundary
Tidal range
Varies with basin configuration, small basins have small tidal range, moderate in large confined areas, varies from coast to centers of the ocean, largest tidal range occurs on the edges of the largest ocean basin especially in narrow bays or inlets
Tides in confined narrow basins
Bay of Fundy: Tidal Range 15 meters (50 ft)
Tides and marine organisms
Dealing with changing salinity, water availability, wave shock, temperature changes, light
Adaptations include having shells, moving to avoid predation, being sessile and attaching, being flexible, having protective mucous coatings, clumping together, and zonations according to conditions
Grunion runs
Reproduction timed with spring tides
Tidal power
As water flows from higher level to lower level, it can be used to spin an electricity-generating turbine (minimum 5 m/16ft range), suitable sites are limited as tidal changes are greatest near the poles and accentuated in narrow bays and estuaries