7.1b Food Part 2

Cards (12)

  • Why is each nutrient needed?
    Carbohydrates: the body's primary source of energy
    Fats: Gives your body energy, insulates your organs, makes cell membranes
    Protein: To build and repair muscles and bones
    Vitamins: Wound healing and helping fight infection
    Minerals: Builds materials for the bones
    Water: Transports nutrients to cells, gets rid of waste and maintains body temperature
    Fibre: decreases your chance of constipation, regulates the body's use of sugar
  • describe the function of fibre/water
    Ensures smooth digestion, preventing constipation, and promoting overall digestive wellness.
  • State the function of vitamins / minerals
    Helps fight infection, wound healing, making our bones strong and regulating hormones.
  • What are the common features of vitamins and minerals?
    They are both essential for bodily functions such as fighting infections, wound healing and making our bones strong.
  • What are the sources and deficiency diseases of vitamin c?
    Sources of vitamin c: citrus fruits, green vegetables, kiwis, tomatoes
    Deficiency diseases: scurvy
  • What are the sources and deficiency diseases of vitamin d?
    Sources: sunlight, oily fish, dairy products, liver
    Deficiency diseases: rickets
  • Know the sources and associated deficiency diseases for iron
    Sources: spinach, red meat, egg yolks, kidneys
    Deficiency diseases: anaemia
  • Know the sources and associated deficiency diseases for calcium
    Sources: dairy products, bread, spinach
    Deficiency diseases: rickets
  • What are the sources and associated deficiency diseases for fibre?
    Sources: fruits, vegetables, whole wheat breads, rice and cereals
    Deficiency diseases: constipation, bowel cancer
  • Define and describe balanced diet.
    A balanced diet contains all the essential nutrients that the body needs. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, fibre and water are all essential components of a balanced diet.
  • Describe why we need nutrition.
    Nutrition is needed to help organisms derive energy, build muscles, cure deficiency diseases and fulfil mineral needs.
  • What are the 7 nutrients?
    Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, Minerals, Vitamins, Water, Fibre