Schaffer's Stages of Attachment

Cards (17)

  • Schaffer and Emerson sought to investigate the development of early attachment, particularly at the age where they develop emotional intensity
  • They had 60 babies most from skilled working class families. The babies and others were vistied at home once per month for a year and again at 18 months.
  • They asked mothers about protest in 7 separate situations such as separation from mother and stranger anxiety.
  • Between 25 and 32 weeks of age 50% showed separation anxiety towards a particular adult
  • By 40 weeks most infanrs had developed specific attachments and some had developed multiple attachments.
  • The asocial stage occurs in the first few weeks of infancy
  • Indiscriminate stage occurs at about 2-7 months
  • The specific attachment happens after 7 months
  • Asocial Stage - Recognising and forming bonds; behave towards objects and people similarly; Some preference for familiar adults
  • Indiscriminate Stage - More social behaviour; Preference for people and familiar people; Accepts comfort from any adult.
  • Specific Stage - Stranger and separation anxiety; Specific attachment to primary caregiver.
  • Multiple Attachement - Attachment behaviour is expanded to familar adults; formation of secondary attachments.
  • By 1 year most infants form secondary attachments.
  • Strength - External Validity
    • Observations made by parents during everydday activites - Researcher may have made babies anxious.
    Highly likely that the babies behaved naturally.
  • Counterpoint - External Validity
    • Mothers may have been biased in terms of what they noticed and what was reported - Social Desirability bias or misremembering
    This means that even if behaviour was natural, it may not have been recorded accurately.
  • Limitation - Studying Asocial
    • Young babies lack coordination and may have felt anxiety and shown this in hard-to-observe way
    • This would have made the reports back to researchers inaccurate.
    Babies may be social, but we would be unable to tell.
  • Strength - RWA
    • Asocial and indiscriminate day care is straightforward as they can be comforted by any adult.
    • Daycare may be difficult during the specific stage
    Daycare can be planned using this theory.