Events in the Detente Era: SALT1, HelsinkiFinalAct
Events in the DetenteEra: SALT 1, Helsinki Final Act
SALT1: the meeting of Nixon and Brezhnev was caused by the U.S. meeting with China and the Soviet Union didn't want to be outdone. The meeting ended with an agreement limiting nuclear weapons.
HelsinkiFinalAct: Brough an acknowledgment of post-WW2 borders, the universal significance of human rights, addressed military and economic issues, and brought an end to soviet dominance in Europe.
SovietInvasionofAfghanistan: Meant to prop up the failing Marxist dictatorship, which ended the Detente era. Effects included the U.S. withdrawing from SALT II (though the U.S. and the U.S.S.R honored the terms anyway)
detente era: relaxation that refers to cold war between 1969 and 1970 when tension between soviet union and the us relaxed
End of Detente Era: sovietinvasionofAfghanistan
1989: satellite states revolt
Satelite state revolts cause soviet union to withdraw troops and begin peace negotioations
Warsaw pact ended when the soviet union was dissolved
Glasnost: the loosening of state censorship and propaganda in the USSR.
Perestroika: A policy of economic reform in the Soviet Union to incorporate more of a market economy
Perestroika caused economic anxiety cuz of the sudden shift leading to shortages and a rise in unemployment and inflation
Fall of the Berlin wall: people surrounded and outnumbered the guards and forced them to open the gates
Signs of weakness within the soviet union: economic shortages, lack of healthcare, the reform effort, heavy reliance on propaganda
Solidarity movement in Poland delegitimized communist regime by exposing the USSR's ideological false claims
Glasnost lead to the fall of the USSR because it allowed for more open criticism of the government
perestroika lead to the fall of the USSR because it destabilized the economy
1958 great leap forward:
5 year plan to modernize agriculture: industrialize with backyard steel
people lied about quotas in the 5 year plan and it led to a humanitarian crisis causing many to die from starvation
1966 cultural revolution: Mao Zedong's campaign to encourage new thinking and new ways of doing things for the young to revolt against the elders
Effects of the 1 child policy: forced abortions, more killings of girls, genderskewed society
Effects of the TiananmenSquaremassacre: western nations placed trade sanctions on China, thousands of people killed, policies didn't change
disputes in southchinasea
it is a major shipping route, no much other evidence on why china wants to control it so badly, isn’t much evidence of major natural resources
effect of british handover of hong kong
created colonial relationships between china and hongkong, no democracy
globalization: process of increasing connectedness and interdependence of world cultures and eocnomies,
impact on nations/cultures: greater spread, greater diversity in some places and greater homogeneity in other places
production globalized: more products made with pieces and steps done in multiple countries
consumption globalization: more people buy more products made in other countries
primaryproduction: extraction of raw materials
secondaryproduction: manufacturing, turn raw into other prodcuts
tertiary production: distribution to retailers and consumers, ensure products go to consumers
national free trade policies
lower tariffs
allow foreign firms to set up shop
allow firms to go to foreign countries
protectionism: reducing a country’s involvement in foreign markets, especially to keep established industries stable
international banking and trader after 1970: digital money and banking, IMFloans went out to developing nations
commonality of the soviet union and china over the 1970s to 1990s:
both allowed economic reforms to allow some capitalism
Only the USSR made political reforms to allow for more democracy
Only China increased the repression of civilians civil liberties
European Union: 12 original countries in 1993
Original intent of the European Union was to strengthen European parliament, create a shared currency and common foreign security policies