Hypertension Stage 1 is SBP of 130-139 or DBP of 80-89
Hypertension Stage 2 is SBP of >=140 or DBP of >=90
Hypertension crisis is SBP of >180 and/or DBP of >120
AHA Life SImple 7
Manage and monitor BP
Control cholesterol
Reduce blood sugar
Restrict salt
Lose weight
Stop smoking
Be active and exercise
MAP is (SBP+2DBP)/3
Hypertension emergency is increased BP with organ damage and hypertension crisis is increased BP with no organ damage
Orthostatic hypotension is a decrease in systolic blood pressure (>20mmHg) and increase in heart rate (>20bpm) when standing after sitting or lying down
Hypertension medications include clonidine, methyldopa, tamsulosin, beta-blockers, diuretics, ACEinhibitors, ARBs, and Ca channel blockers