1. Similar to PCR method, which needs primers, free nucleotides (dNTP), Taq polymerase III
2. DNA Polymerase III requires a 3'-OH to add nucleotides during DNA replication
3. Some nucleotides (ddNTP) do not have 3' –OH and thus no other nucleotide can be added after which terminates the sequence
4. There is a mix of normal dNTP that can continue the amplification and ddNTP that terminate it, creating an array of different size fragments that got stop randomly from amplifying at different lengths
5. In the manual Sanger method the ddNTP were radioactive, and the amplified DNA was migrated on a gel and exposed to a film to reveal the radioactive ddNTP
6. In the newer automatic Sanger method, 4 different colours of fluorescent ddNTP are used and the gel electrophoresis is done in a capillary, where each fluorescent ddNTP is scanned by a laser and the sequence is automatically generated