ATP-PC System

Cards (9)

  • ATP
    Adenosine triphosphate
  • Energy production for muscular contraction
    1. ATP splits off one phosphate
    2. Energy released
    3. Energy used to power muscle contraction
  • We only have enough ATP for 2 seconds of muscle contractions
  • PC system (ATP-PC system)

    • Also known as phosphocreatine or creatine phosphate system
    • Provides energy to rebuild ATP after it is depleted
  • PC system is split

    Releases phosphate and creatine, which provides energy to rebuild ATP
  • ATP-PC system
    • Only lasts 8-10 seconds
    • Only works when working maximally/anaerobically
  • ATP amount in muscles is fixed, cannot be increased
  • Athletes who use the ATP-PC system
    • 100m sprinters
    • Shot putters
  • ATP-PC system takes 2-3 minutes to recover after being fully used